So what have I been up to? Joining a porcelain jewelry workshop for a week! Pictured here are black band ring and the tube necklace that I made during the workshop. Can't tell the details of the tube pendant necklace here in the photo but it has texture. It was a very nice and very productive workshop. We all enjoyed it so much! Below you will see the participants and their proudly hand made jewelries; plus some of their pcs that I think are their masterpieces....
#tania #hernecklace #herearrings
#simonetta #hernecklace
#sascha #herearrings
#budiman #hisnecklace #hisbracelet
#livia #hernecklace #herearrings
#terry #herrings
#hillary #herbangles #herrings
#carleen #hernecklace
#jenny #hernecklace
#terry #masterpiece
#terry #masterpiece
#simonetta #masterpiece
#sascha #masterpiece
#hillary #masterpiece
#hillary #masterpiece
#budiman #masterpiece
#tania #masterpiece
and mine.... #mymasterpiece
thank you all for stopping by and viewing the post...