The story detailing the co-existence of vampires and humans in Bon Temps, a fictional,small town in the state of Louisiana. The series centers on the adventures of Sookie Stackhouse (played by actress Anna Paquin), a telepathic waitress. The stars are Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Alexander Skarsgård, Ryan Kwanten, Kristin Bauer van Straten, etc.
Through all the 3 seasons, this is actually what I've imagined the vampires (and all other co-existing 'creations') will live together among human beings. OK, so I have a very big and wild imaginations, so what? Than, along came 4th season, damn Sookie! (my envy mode on!)
You must be wondering who is my favorite vampire? Well.... Its vampire Eric (Alexander Skarsgård)!
I mean, mannnn he is H.O.T. !!!! And for the woman vampire? (or human, or witch or fairy, or werewolf, or shape shifter?) Well... I have none, except for the fashion sense of Vampire Pam! She is damn stylish and she love shoes! Vampire Pam is by Kristin Bauer van Straten,
Kristin original-own Tatto,
Can't wait for season 5 this summer 2012, play on HBO
Among other things, "Louis Vuitton - Marc Jacobs", an exhibition at Les Arts Décoratifs, Paris, from March 9th to September 16th, 2012.