
Kedungu Beach (Pantai Kedungu)

Kedungu Beach is one of the off-beaten, not known, not that popular beach. Ehr... oh oh... now I am writing about it! Please don't flock here! As you can see, not so many people here. The reason I am visiting is to chill just before going to start my half day work. Also, a reason to take a product shot of WONKY POTS Ceramics' reusable travel cup from the ocean collection...
So tell me guys, would you prefer a quiet beach or the one that has music, bar and loads of tourists?
Enjoy the picture after the jump!

thank you all for stopping by and viewing the post...

Soan Galuh beach

Soan Galuh beach is my source of inspiration. When I feel like I need inspirations in my clay work, I would just get my motorbike and drive ...