
Yogyakarta Holiday Day 1

The day outfit, and by night I changed to blue pantalon...

Here are the photos from my Holiday in Jogjakarta, Mid Java ....
Highlights of day one holiday? Meet my BFF... Chocolate factory visit, dinner date with my BFF,
oh what a day ...


Jogja view from Amplaz

 the yummy dark chocolate


Dinner at Raminten

A little note about the city: Yogyakarta is a city and the capital of Yogyakarta Special Region in Java Indonesia.  It is renowned as a centre of classical Javanese fine art and culture such as Batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry, and puppet shows.  Yogyakarta was the Indonesian capital during the Indonesian National Revolution from 1945 to 1949. One of the districts in Yogyakarta, Kotagede was the capital of Mataram Kingdom / Sultanate between 1575 and 1640. The city is named after the Indian city of  Ayodya from the Ramayana epic. Yogya means 'suitable, fit, proper', and Karta, 'prosperous, flourishing' in whole it means 'a city that is fit to prosper'

thank you all for visiting the page and reading the bits....


The beginning of the new month and a question on how though I can be!

Last month accident cost me weight lost! All those meds are crazy!  Still here and still doing pottery for a  living! broken arm didn't ...