Living green is not about eating plant based food, eating vegetarian or vegan is a matter of health or choice! You are looking at my breakfast here :)
Support living green by reducing the usage of your plastic straw; bring your own straw! it is easy, simple and tiny to fit any purse. I know you were just saying "its just one straw" imagine at the same time 2 million people are thinking the same way hourly!
Okay, so you really do not want to carry around stainless steel straw, SIP IT! it is a clean cup, clean glass, just sip it off the vessel :)
Always opt for package free produce, bring in your own container, or--opt for green package like my pineapple here bought in the market. It is cheaper to buy from the farmer, rather then in supermarket--maybe the plastic packaging making it expensive, and you are going to throw it away anyway.....
Buying from the farmer, at the traditional market allows you to bring your own container :)
Buy in bulk and bring your own cloth bag. Refuse single-use plastic bag. Byo your shopping bag. Kora Tote here have a really strong message that really caught my mind!
Bring your own water bottle! Common now, they have a lot of styles and colors and they can be your accessories!
The last one I have been practised for a decade now (same as cloth bags),
Bring your own food container! When I do a takeaway, I bring my own container / tupperware. You can later save the left over too.
So I have been telling you about this stuff, with the hoping you help us from saving the planet.
Hope it inspire you!
Thank you for reading...