
Calm after the storm

Yesterday was a bad cyclone for about one hour down here in Bali. We never had that often but once we have, it could turned out quiet scary. It was like a war zone, debris flying here there, electricity was off, and some tree collapses. Thank God nothing really bad damaging or hurting people (and animal). And today was all nice and sunny as if such of cyclone never happened. :| 

I am probably the laziest person to dress up for an invite. Only if its a really exciting get together for a huge venue(such as Christmas, Chinese New Year, etc., then I will think about an outfit. But as far as a simple date, I would just look at my heels and work my way up from there.
How do you pick your outfit you guys? Would love to hear from you all...

thank you all for stopping by and viewing the post...

The beginning of the new month and a question on how though I can be!

Last month accident cost me weight lost! All those meds are crazy!  Still here and still doing pottery for a  living! broken arm didn't ...