
Holiday photo diary

These past 3 years, times seems to fly in a warp speed! I would normally can't wait for a slow next month or 2 months ahead, but as the time pass by, all I know that I am already in my 3/4 of the year.  The end of year seems to come faster and faster, and the new year line is thinner and thinner.... Maybe its just me, but I feel like 31 December is just another day, a yesterday instead of a huge yesteryear. :(  Oh well...This post is from my holiday last week, went home to my parents house for Christmas. It was as a great week spent there. Food, family, love, laughter and a lot of joy! Enjoy the pictures after the jump,

you are looking at
1/ was rainy the first day!
2/ we ride the motorbike most of the time
3/ took my niece and nephew to the mall for game, lunch and movie
4/ when I went shopping with my sister, it involves a lot of snacking too...
5/ took the public transportation, in this city where I grew up, its the best!
6/ the rangi guy
7/ my niece and nephew loooove sunbathing
8/ coffee break with the whole gang (well almost all)
9/ game arcade... yeah...

thank you guys for stopping by and viewing the post!


The beginning of the new month and a question on how though I can be!

Last month accident cost me weight lost! All those meds are crazy!  Still here and still doing pottery for a  living! broken arm didn't ...