
movie date (Looper)

Yes, it is a movie date well deserved! I have been busy with work and chores these days that I have missed so many good movies! You're not gonna believe that I missed Batman the Dark Knight Rise... yup! I missed that one in particular... dang!!!

But this afternoon, its the movie Looper, its a movie about the suffering economic collapse in 2044 in the U.S. (ehrrrrr.....) but yeah... in addition, a mutation has occurred in ten percent of the population giving them telekinetic powers (the ability to levitate small objects. Thirty years further into the future in 2074, time travel is invented, but is immediately outlawed. Tracking technology has rendered it nearly impossible to dispose of bodies secretly, so crime bosses use illicit time travel to send those they want killed to the past where they are killed by "loopers": assassins paid with silver bars strapped to the victim. When crime bosses want to end a looper's contract, they send his present self back to be killed by his younger self, referred to as "closing the loop". Failing a contract is a death sentence.

I don't want to be a party pooper, so the rest is just for you guys to find out, watch the movie, I categorized this movie as 'entertaining'

instagram of my accessories for the day,

Google image of Looper poster,


The beginning of the new month and a question on how though I can be!

Last month accident cost me weight lost! All those meds are crazy!  Still here and still doing pottery for a  living! broken arm didn't ...